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Online Strength and Conditioning.

Razor Performance is an Online Strength and Conditioning service, which cuts through the noise and misinformation of the fitness industry and forges a simple and effective path to your performance goals.


Fully programmed by Andy Reay (Razor), ex-professional rugby player and former head of two Strength and Conditioning departments. 

Why work with us?

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Online Training. 

  •  Fully bespoke and customised programme, specific to your targets and goals

  • Delivered through your own personalised app.

  • Everything you need with sets, reps, technique videos and a progress journal.

  • Full support from through a messaging service, weekly online check ins, technique assessment through video upload.

  • Nutritional and lifestyle advice, with simple and actionable plans to lead a healthier and more  sustainable life.

  • Training backed by the latest scientific research.

How online training works

1. Fill in the form below.


2. Book a consultation with Andy to discuss your targets, and what is needed to achieve them based on your personal situation and current fitness levels.

3. Receive your bespoke programme via the app.

4. Have full access to your coach via messaging and video messaging, OR a weekly discussion over video call, all for a fraction of the price of in-person training. 

5. Achieve your dream level of fitness and performance. 


Ryan Wareham

“Been training for over 20 years for various sports and Andy Reay's advice and programme has massively levelled up my technique leading to significant gains!"

Nick Taylor

“Top top coach. Fixed my shoulder and now keeps my 50 year old body in shape. I always have various muscoskeletal issues which he sorts out. You won't find a better strength and conditioning coach"

Bjoern Stiel

"Andy Reay is a fantastic strength and conditioning coach.
I ended up with an unhappy knee after ramping up my bike miles too quickly. Ever since I have been seeing Andy I have been going from strength to strength, cycling distances that I had never thought I would be capable of... Superb guy".

Not sure what's right for you? Get in touch.


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